Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I´m a sun hater! And I recently realized that. No seriously, like 3 months ago, I realized how much I hate to get myself burn under the killer sun. Sadly for me, I live in a place where there is huuuge sun all day long. And I´m talking extreme sun, very very hot. And I found that there´s anything I can do but avoid light from 1 to 4 pm and buy some serious SPF (+80). But there´s that thing, apply SPF every 2 hours? I don´t want to smell like I´m coming out of the pool. And there´s also the subject of matter that you have to look oily because of it. HELL! 

And I can´t feel but worried when there are all these people, sun lovers, who like to lay down under the sun and get their skins burned. Really? And on top of that, there are the beauty products, the self tanning ones, the ones that make you have to look like a carrot or an oompa loompa (Yes! Look like an orange). What is wrong with the world. There´s no such thing, at least for me, than a perfect natural look on your skin. 

But OK, I have to zen myself and come through the idea that I have to just avoid the sun and apply SPF 10 times per day.  

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