Thursday, November 29, 2012

Red Lips

Like the girl who wears it, a red lip is never boring. - Lauren Santo Domingo.

An statement and very cool quote made by LSD (@TheLSD) which reminds us that certain women can rule something simple as red lips. Why is it that women have the power to caught our attention with something that simple? Believe me, wanna try to change your whole outfit? Wanna give something extra to your look? Paint your lips. As I happen to noticed last week, where at a dinner party for my friend´s bday, I start thinking what was different on her, then I knew, she used her birthday as an excuse to wear red lips. The thing also is, that this kind of look cannot be like an everyday tool, it would ruin the essence. So, like my friend, is cool to wear it for special occasions, it will cause better effect. This is my opinion, cause either way, what do I know about makeup? Nothing. But what do I know about admiring women? A lot! So, girls, wanna upgrade any look, don´t waste too much money and buy a lipstick.

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